The shareholder basis of Hidroerg relies on three nuclei: the Portuguese technical staff, directly involved in the day-to-day management and activity of the company, in the different areas in which it is involved; a company incorporated under the German law, equally connected to energy production in its country; and a company incorporated under the Portuguese law but with an Austrian capital basis, integrated in one of the largest energy producers and distributors in that country. The internal organic structure of the company is divided into two main areas: on one hand the headquarters, where multiple studies are elaborated, licensing procedures are followed, construction-works and equipment-installation contracts are managed, operation of the power plants is remotely controlled and all office services are provided; and on the other hand the energy production facilities, where local operation and maintenance of the power plants takes place.
The management of the company is entrusted to a Board of three managers, appointed by the General Assembly for a three-year term of office. The development of the business activities relies on a number of collaborators with relevant qualification in the areas related to the fulfilment of the company’s purpose.
Hidroerg acts alone and through its affiliated companiesLusiterg, Atberg and Ruiverg. These companies, incorporated in 1995, 2001 and 2015, respectively, play a vehicle-of-investment role, largely supported by Hidroerg’s own activity, as they all share the same business objective. Each company has its own energy production facilities.